In the age of rampant telecommuting jobs, startup businesses, and other work-from-home jobs, more and more Americans find themselves setting up their own office spaces. Office Space Planners operates on large scales—we’ve successfully planned office complexes in all fifty states—but we have plenty of advice on how to personalize a smaller office space! To the uninitiated, the task may seem daunting. Here are some tips on how to plan a personal office:
-First, know where you want the office to go. The available options will depend on the size of the room your office goes in. If space constraints may be an issue, it could be best to plant your office in the corner of your room—this will maximize the available workspace and allow you to quickly move from one desk or work station to another.
-Draw a floor plan and furniture plan for the room, to scale. Take exact measurements with a tape measure before following through with the plan—you don’t want to find out that your furniture won’t fit after you’ve already picked it out and bought it! Make sure to account for electrical outlets, windows, doors, etc.
-Arrange the furniture in your floor plan, accounting for traffic (are other people moving about in your building or home?), efficiency, and other factors. Bear in mind the natural flow of the room—are you going to face interruptions, block out features of the room, or encounter other design problems? Draw walking paths on your floor plan to avoid any such issues.
-Buy containers and systems to organize your space. Keeping clutter and mess down in your office is a very important task, and a simple one—systems of cubbies and bins can organize and hide cluttered supplies in a hurry. Make your office space look more put-together and professional this way, and keep the plan functional and accessible!
-Plan a place to leave notes, reminders, and critical documents. Whether a whiteboard, cork board, or just a drop box or folder, it is important to have a “priority” messaging area that grabs your attention and helps you keep tabs on your most pressing work. Place this in a spot that you look at frequently—on the wall above or on the door to your office area will do.
You can design a small office yourself. If you want to take on a bigger office planning challenge, look to the professionals at Office Space Planners for guidance!