Some companies take having an office that reflects their values and workers more seriously than others. Consider Lyft one of them. According to Julie Balise of SF Gate, “Portraits of the workers’ childhood heroes — Peter Pan, Mary Poppins and Willy Wonka — line the wall near the engineering team. Lean on Wonka, and a secret portal reveals a dimly lit room with a bookshelf, cozy chairs and photos of famous mustaches. The library also has a traditional door for those not inclined to step through a hole in the wall… Lyft has a set lunch hour from noon to 1 and a first-floor cafeteria that accommodates every dietary restriction. Employees can grab a table or find a space in the bleachers. (The bleachers have outlets, of course.) Many of them also congregate on the roof deck, which was designed to reflect a ‘walk in the park.’ The roof deck offers panoramic views of downtown San Francisco. ‘It’s a nice little oasis,’ Dally said.”
It’s clear that Lyft aims to get the most productivity out of its employees by satisfying their needs. Steve Minks of Coy Davidson writes, “What the employees themselves would prefer should be taken into consideration as well, although this has its limits. However, every office will need to consider the design aspects highlighted below, and every industry can ask itself similar questions to form a better picture of its ideal office design.” Some of the things to take into consideration are space, color, furniture, and extras. Ultimately, the type of industry, the desired image, the space available, employee preference and budget will all factor into the end result.
No matter what you choose to do with your office design project, you’re going to need an expert team of designers and project managers. At Office Space Planners, that’s exactly what we have. Our team has decades of combined experience and education in the areas of interior design, space planning, computer aided design, drafting, corporate office relocation management, project management, ergonomics and systems furniture. We provide services that include analysis, commercial space planning, project management, and move coordination.
When you work with Office Space Planners, you can count on a team that has had proven success throughout the country. Don’t go into an office design project unprepared. Save yourself time and money with our expert designers and project managers. Whatever office design needs you may have, your best bet is Office Space Planners!