An earlier blog from Office Space Planners relayed some of Overbury office fit-out specialist Chris Booth’s tips on practical, cost-effective office space design. Mr. Booth had so many good tips in his interview with Forbes that it’s worth another post to pass on some more!
-Always spend wisely. An obvious guideline when designing on a budget, but it cannot be overemphasized. Wall coverings and furniture are two facets that are all too easy to splurge on, but improvements can be gotten cheaply for both. Consider the maintenance costs when choosing what type of floor to use or install. Carpets are always a good choice, and they can be gotten relatively cheaply.
-Consider your reception area. More and more offices nowadays are getting rid of reception areas entirely. If you want an office with a reception area, ask yourself some questions. Will you frequently have clients coming into your office? Is space at a premium for other purposes? Really, the only reason a reception area should be high on your list of priorities is if clients frequently come to your office to do business. Otherwise, you may well be able to do without.
-Be creative with little finishing touches. It’s easier and cheaper than ever to decorate an office space. Consider blowing up large photographs, using digital artwork, and taking second-hand products and transforming them into inventive decorations. Such inexpensive but modern ways to decorate your office may not only cut costs, but may help project a resourceful image for your business.
-Leave out non-essential luxury entertainment items. Skip the jukebox and pool table. Make sure you’re not being suckered by a designer into buying something hip and expensive if it doesn’t reflect your office culture and doesn’t fit into your budget. Also consider the impact such additions may have on worker productivity—it may not be positive! Some luxuries here and there can be nice, as it’s important to make employees feel welcome and sustain office morale. But make sure not to overdo it.
-Keep the office clean! Make sure that no messes remain festering in your office space—not in bathrooms or shower facilities, not in offices, not in break rooms. Small maintenance costs may help you avoid large repair and overhaul costs later. Keep your space fit for every worker to use, show leadership by keeping it tidy, and watch costs be cut and employees work harder!